Automated Contract Summaries for Corporates

How Imprima’s Smart Summaries Tool is Revolutionising Corporate Deal Making Are you tired of spending hours poring over legal documents and contracts during corporate deal making? Imprima has the solution: Smart Summaries, our cutting-edge AI-powered tool that creates automated contract summaries so you can analyse and summarise legal documents and contracts quickly and accurately. Smart […]
Smart Summaries for REAL ESTATE

Whether you are acquiring land, producing a Rent Roll or simply need a summary of key terms in a portfolio of Lease Agreements – Imprima Smart Summaries is the tool your Real Estate team can rely on. Smart Summaries utilises innovative machine learning techniques to understand key provisions in any document. The algorithms can adapt […]
Smart VDRs – It is all about Accuracy

Last week we shared our blog on Smart VDRs with you. It included some accuracy stats on Smart Summaries, the key Machine Learning tool to extract data points from transaction documentation (such as dates, locations, etc.). Before that we shared the accuracy stats of our Smart Redaction tool. Today we would like to zoom in […]
Smart VDR – a Paradigm Shift

Virtual Data Room (VDR) replaces Physical Data Rooms (2002-2022) 20 years ago, the M&A Due Diligence (DD) process changed fundamentally with the introduction of Virtual Data Rooms. Before then, DD was conducted by designating a separate physical room at the seller’s office, where physical copies of all company documentation pertinent to the DD were made […]
Automated PII Redaction

Imprima Smart Redaction achieves accuracy (recall) of around 95% Sellers, or their advisors, are often confronted with the requirement to redact Personally Identifiable Information – an error-prone and laborious task. Outsourcing is expensive and may cause delays before your deal can go live. And why spend money on it, when it can be done automatically, […]
Smart Compliance – the latest AI-based innovation from Imprima

Why PII redaction is difficult (until now!) Redacting Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is a necessity nowadays, to be GDPR compliant, and to protect Personal Data in an M&A setting. Redacting PII data seems like a simple task, and one that one would think could be easily automated with software that makes use of a combination […]
What Will Be the Impact of AI on the legal profession in the Coming Years?

The beginnings of AI’s impact on the legal profession is already noticeable. Legal professionals are adopting AI software solutions to automate many areas of their work, generating greater accuracy, efficiency, and cost savings. Over the coming years, AI’s impact on the legal profession will likely grow, significantly disrupting the sector as we know it. How […]
How Law Firms are Using AI to Improve and Streamline Legal Services

The use of AI in legal sector settings is increasingly becoming the norm. While there is no cause for robots to replace human professionals just yet, innovative AI software applications are being adopted widely to improve legal services, reduce costs and increase efficiency. This post will explore how AI is being used in the legal […]
Discovering Information: What Does it Cost, What Does it Take?

By Pieter van der Made (Executive Chairman) and Jeroen de Knijf (Senior Data Scientist) at Imprima Introduction Do you feel you are wasting a lot of time looking for information and documentation? Well, you are not alone. According to McKinsey, ’employees spend 1.8 hours every day – 9.3 hours per week, on average – searching […]
Expert panel: How AI is changing legal due diligence

Fears that artificial intelligence technology would automate professional jobs and create mass redundancies swept through the legal sector a few years ago – as it did through many professional services industries. While those fears have proved unfounded, AI technology is beginning to change how legal due diligence is conducted. Today, the use of artificial intelligence […]
How AI is Changing Real Estate Lease Abstraction

Read more about how Imprima are using AI to change how we think about real estate lease abstractions.
How AI is Changing Contract Review

Contract management is an arduous task, which becomes increasingly complex (and equally important) as the size of the organisation increases. It has been estimated that inefficient contract management can lead to losses amounting anywhere between 5% to 40% of the deal value, pending circumstances. With the adoption of AI, the procedures involved in contract management […]
Common Misconceptions Around AI and Law- 6 Minute Read

“Can machines think?” was the question posed by Alan Turing in 1950. Turing hypothesised that a machine could be developed that would have the ability to generate human-like responses. Seven decades later, we’re continuing to see this exploration play out in all industries from medicine, defence, automation, energy, finance, and now even law. However, the […]
AI’s Role In Dealmaking: M&A in 2030

To Download the PDF version of this report, please click here. Artificial intelligence is already transforming M&A and over the next decade it could separate the success stories from the also-rans As artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more widely adopted, M&A professionals must consider how the technology might change their professions and how they might […]
AI For Due Diligence:
Gimmick or Does it Add Value? See Imprima AI in action here Developments in legal AI are being followed closely by all major law firms. For these law firms, the application of AI for the analysis of legal documents holds tremendous potential and could potentially be a threat if not adopted in a timely fashion. […]