Two quick tips for an efficient management of VDR document titles

When it comes to managing high-value deals, the more productive you can be, the better. Unfortunately, many factors can hinder efficient working. From subpar VDR speed to inefficiently managed communication, to losing time on unnecessary admin while preparing the data room — there’s plenty that can slow your M&A team down. With the right tools […]
Virtual Data Room Software: The Solution to Secure Business Data Storage and Sharing

Virtual data room software is used by various businesses and organisations in a range of different situations. Since being first introduced to the market a few decades ago, it has permanently replaced traditional data storage and sharing solutions as companies quickly came to see the benefits it brings. This post will explore what the software […]
Sell-Side Success for M&A professionals

Virtual data rooms and vendor due diligence have given sellers more control in the M&A process. But with an economic cooldown on the horizon, how can sellers continue to maximise their chances of success? Over the past 15 to 20 years, tools and processes like virtual data rooms (VDRs) and vendor due diligence (VDD) have […]
The Rise of the Mega Deal

To download the PDF version of this report, please click here. Megadeal activity is robust, but dealmakers working at the top end of the market face unique challenges, both in getting deals over the line and after the close. What are these challenges and how should they be approached? Last year, there were 39 mega […]
AI For Due Diligence:
Gimmick or Does it Add Value? See Imprima AI in action here Developments in legal AI are being followed closely by all major law firms. For these law firms, the application of AI for the analysis of legal documents holds tremendous potential and could potentially be a threat if not adopted in a timely fashion. […]