AI Due Diligence: Smart VDR

Modern Toolkit for M&A, Real Estate, and Legal Professionals – AI Due Diligence integrated into your VDR.

If you work in due diligence, our new AI tools – built right into Imprima VDR platform or used on their own – will assist you and your teams in working more effectively than ever.

AI Due Diligence – A New Way To Do DD

Whether you work in Legal, M&A or Real Estate, Imprima AI ecosystem will integrate seamlessly into your due diligence process and deliver immediate value.

Save at least 90% of time spent on manual contract review and data room structuring. Leave the repetitive tasks to AI algorithms and focus on what matters the most – bringing the deal over the finish line.

In just a few seconds, Imprima AI can parse through 100s of gigabytes of unstructured data (aka your contracts) turning the unknown into actionable insights.

No matter the document type, its language or jurisdiction that governs it, Imprima AI Due Diligence can find, analyse and summarise that document in just a few mouse-clicks.

Smart Redaction

Imprima Smart Redaction works out of the box, with no “training” required. In virtually any language, including German, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, Portuguese, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian.

  • Save time and reduce human error
  • Achieves recall of 90% or higher
  • Ensure GDPR compliance

Automate Your Legal and M&A Due Diligence

Imprima AI Due Diligence Product Suite


Smart Summaries

Smart Summaries automatically extracts key information from any type of legal and corporate documentation and produces accurate and bespoke summaries.

  • automatically extracts the key data points in a structured Word/Excel format
  • language agnostic
  • works for any type of document, in any jurisdiction

AI-Powered VDR Index

Automatically categorise and structure your data room documents with AI-powered VDR Index.

  • save 90% of the time spent on VDR structuring
  • remove human error
  • create a repeatable process, which will become more and more accurate with each transaction

Contract Review

Smart Review, an AI-powered document review tool, provides instant visibility into any document and reduces risk by identifying the contracts containing specific issues.

  • finds clauses and spots red flags in your contracts
  • requires no tech expertise to use
  • works straight out of the box

Due Diligence from A to Z

Imprima is the only AI-powered platform to cater for Data Room Preparation, Vendor & Buy-Side Due Diligence, Contract Review and Post-Merger Integration.

If you are about to conduct vendor due diligence for your asset, you’ll want to learn more about the following Imprima AI products: Smart Review, Smart Summaries, and Smart Index.
Structuring a data room has never been easier. Imprima Smart Index which uses AI-based document classification will help you achieve faster and more accurate data room structuring and indexing.
Imprima VDR is the only truly “Smart VDR” on the market as no other data room can offer such powerful AI-based capabilities as automatic VDR structuring, GDPR Redaction, or document review.

If you are involved in buy-side due diligence, you need to get the most accurate assessment on the way as soon as possible. Imprima Smart Review will help you review the target company’s documentation, faster and with much higher accuracy.

Clean rooms allow you to evaluate potential merger synergies early in the M&A process. At Imprima we have ample experience providing Clean Rooms for customers, either as a separate VDR or as a separate section in the VDR with additional documents only accessible to the Clean Room team.

AI Due Diligence Solutions

Managing high-value transactions is tough. You can be juggling different solutions or be stuck with the tools that either do not deliver on their promises or are too complex to use. This means 100-hour workweeks, scattered deal data, and too much time spent training the software. Hardly the most efficient way to manage time-pressured transactions.

Imprima Due Diligence Platform allows you to prepare for the asset’s sale, structure the data room, manage due diligence – all in one easy-to-use interface. Our AI-powered platform will save precious time and provide instant actionable insights into the most complex transactions.

M&A Due Diligence

Use Smart Review to perform comprehensive vendor due diligence – more accurately and with less resources. Enhance your team’s expertise with an always-on AI assistant. Smart Review will tirelessly work alongside you to ensure that the asset is valued appropriately, and potential red flags identified and mitigated before disclosing the documentation to the buy-side.

Real Estate Due Diligence
Lease Abstraction

Lease Abstraction: Make real estate lease abstraction a breeze – try Imprima Smart Summaries to slash hours of the most time-consuming task in real estate due diligence. Imprima Smart Summaries can automatically extract accurate summaries of the key information from any real estate lease: start and end dates, values, important provisions and more. The output is presented in a structured Word or Excel format, ready for further analysis.